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Sussex County, NJ DUI/DWI Lawyer

Sussex County DWI Lawyer - Protect Your Rights with Expert Defense

New Jersey takes drunk and drugged driving very seriously. DWI convictions in Sussex County could lead to heavy fines and insurance surcharges, a license suspension that makes it difficult to get to work or run errands, and even jail time. The good news is it may be possible to avoid the worst of these penalties with help from an experienced New Jersey DWI lawyer. The sooner you get in touch with one, the more time they have to investigate and build your case.

Don’t wait another moment to mount a vigorous defense of your rights, freedom, and reputation. Contact The Law Office of Steven

Ellman for a free consultation with an experienced Sussex County DWI lawyer.

About Attorney Steven Ellman

If you’re facing charges of drunk driving, you need a NJ DUI attorney who’s prepared to fight aggressively on your behalf. For over 39 years, Steven Ellman has helped clients charged with traffic violations, including drunk driving offenses. His knowledge of New Jersey law and tenacity in and out of the courtroom has helped him secure an 80 percent dismissal rate in DUI and traffic cases.

Steven Ellman is board-certified by the National College for DUI Defense and a member of the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, the DUI Defense Lawyers Association, and the New Jersey Association for Justice. He is also affiliated with several other prestigious legal associations, demonstrating his commitment to community service and the principles of the law.

Understanding DUI Charges in New Jersey

New Jersey law prohibits operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. If police pull you over and suspect your BAC is above the legal limit, they can arrest you on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

A conviction for a drunk driving charge in Sussex County carries serious penalties, including the following minimums for a first-time offense:

  • $250 and $400 fine
  • Imprisonment of up to 30 days
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle for three months
  • Temporary loss of your driver’s license while waiting for ignition interlock device installation
  • Attendance at an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for at least six hours per day on two consecutive days
  • Auto insurance surcharge of $1,000 per year for three years
  • Fees totaling $425, which support alcohol-related programs in your community

The penalties increase in severity as your BAC and the number of past convictions increases. Depending on the situation, you could face up to 180 days in jail and up to eight years with a suspended driver’s license.

The Impact of a DWI or DUI Conviction

DWI convictions carry severe penalties, including hefty fines, loss of driving privileges, and potential jail time. These penalties can have long-reaching consequences. Those fines and fees can take a big bite out of your bank account, while a suspended license can make it difficult to get to work or school – to say nothing of the limitations that incarceration places on your freedom.

The financial impact of a DWI conviction extends beyond court-imposed fines. Insurance companies consider a DWI conviction when calculating premium payments. Your car insurance rate is the most likely to increase, but other types of coverage may also be affected. You will also have to pay an annual surcharge of at least $1,000 for at least three years.

Finally, a DUI/DWI conviction can damage your reputation within your community, who may see it as a betrayal of their trust and of your responsibility to keep others safe. Its effects go far beyond the immediate decision to drink and drive.

Why Choose Steven Ellman for Your Defense?

When you’re accused of driving while impaired and facing charges of DWI in Sussex County, you need a DUI/DWI attorney who will treat your case with the personalized care and attention it deserves. Even if the charges are the same, your case is unique. It’s not identical to other DUI cases and shouldn’t be treated using a cookie-cutter approach.

Steven Ellman brings 39 years of experience as a New Jersey DWI defense attorney. He knows the law and how it applies to your situation, and his approach is honest and transparent. He’ll tell you what’s at stake and his plan for tackling your charges. Depending on the situation, that might involve negotiating for reduced sentencing, arguing for an outright dismissal, or fighting your case in court.

So, why choose our law firm to handle your defense? We’ll be here for you, which means providing
personalized attention, addressing your questions and concerns, and helping you understand your rights.

What a Sussex County DUI Lawyer Can Do for You

Facing DWI charges is stressful. Prosecutors take a tough stance on alcohol and drug-related offenses, so it takes one of the strongest DUI defense attorneys in New Jersey to defend you.

A NJ DUI attorney from the Law Office of Steven Ellman will handle every aspect of your case for you, including:

  • Gathering and evaluating all evidence
  • Investigating the circumstances of your arrest, including the validity of field sobriety tests and your breath test results
  • Crafting the most robust defense possible
  • Moving to suppress evidence (when possible)
  • Pursuing lesser or dropped charges through negotiations
  • Defending you in court, if necessary

The Law Office of Steven Ellman is dedicated to seeking the best possible outcome for each client. Understanding what happened before, during, and after your arrest is critical in pursuing the most favorable result. We pay meticulous attention to detail, so you can feel confident your case is in capable hands.

Contact a Sussex County, NJ, DUI Lawyer Today

If you’ve been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in Sussex County, you need an experienced attorney with a track record of achieving positive outcomes in New Jersey DUI/DWI cases. You need The Law Office of Steven Ellman.

Contact us today for a free consultation with a NJ DWI attorney. We look forward to learning more about your situation, helping you understand your options, and seeking an outcome that enables you to move forward.

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Sussex County, NJ DUI/DWI Lawyer